Friday, January 14, 2011

Funding for Hacienda Hotels

Some 10 billion pesos (12 pesos equals $1 at the moment) will be made available during the next five years to convert hacienda homes and other historic structures into hotels. Haciendas might be compared to plantations in the southern United States. Many were vast estates producing sugar, vegetable fiber, tequila and more. Owners lived in baronial splendor and what were their homes are being eyed now as potential resorts. Many such places already exist. Following the Mexican Revolution, haciendas were broken up and the land given to the peons who worked on them under an agrarian reform program. Fonatur (the National Trust for Tourism Development) announced that funds will be made available and that more than 300 properties may benefit. Goal is to provide additional employment and income for those who received hacienda lands to farm.


Jimm Budd

Reporting from Mexico City

Member of the Society of American Travel Writers

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