Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trouble in Oaxaca

Once again, Oaxaca City is a place for tourists to avoid. Although it is one of the most delightful of Mexico’s inland cities and long a favorite with vacationers, Oaxaca has been plagued with political violence for the past several years. The people there do have much to be unhappy about. Oaxaca is one is Mexico’s poorest states. With a statewide election coming up, protesters have seized control of the central plazas in the city. In doing so, they discourage tourism, main source of income for many of the poor. Of concern is that the annual Guelaguetza dance festival in July will be canceled as it was two years ago.

Jimm Budd
Reporting from Mexico City
Member of the Society of American Travel Writers


shorewalker said...

this is so inspecific, what kind of trouble are you referring to?
we live in oaxaca all winter for the past 10 years, and yes there were the problems in 2006 but other than the occasional demonstrations, there have not been the same issues since. Is there something going on there of which we are unaware?

Travel with Stan said...

All I know — and report — is what I read in the newspapers. Maybe I read the wrong newspapers. From what I have seen, protesters have seized the heart of the city around the two main plazas and, at least for a while, blocked highways leading into and out of the city. My wife, and a dozen other relatives, are trying to sell a wreck of a house on Cinco de Mayo, but this is said not to be a good time to sell. —