Sunday, June 20, 2010

Acapulco empty

According to the local tourism office, Acapulco hotels closed out last week with a dismal 27 percent occupancy. The chamber of commerce claims that 10 hotels and other businesses in the tourist zone have closed for lack of customers. The dismal economy and concerns over criminal violence are blamed. Also, there has been much rain recently. June traditionally is a slow month at resort destinations in Mexico. Things should pick up in July as schools go on vacation.

Hoteliers also complain that they suffer from unfair completion when owners of condominiums and vacation homes rent their properties to visitors. Their prices are much lower, in part because since these are not established businesses, they are not regulated and pay less in the way of taxes.

Jimm Budd
Reporting from Mexico City
Member of the Society of American Travel Writers


Jeff Berwick said...

I live in Acapulco. June is ALWAYS the slowest month of the year and is basically a ghost-town for most of the month as hardly any Canadians or Americans come in the summer and the Mexican tourists all come during school holidays in July/Aug. BTW, if you come to Acapulco, check out this awesome new boutique hotel called Las Torres Gemelas Private Suites ( Also you can buy beachfront condos in Acapulco with all new furnishings and US/Canadian satellite HDTV for under $60,000 at AcaCondos (!

Jeff Berwick said...

Also, btw, it rained once this month, for about 20 minutes...