Friday, November 12, 2010

Another long weekend

Banks, schools, government offices and more will be closed on Monday in observance of the Centennial of the Outbreak of the Mexican Revolution. The actual date is Nov. 20, but that is on a Saturday. In any event, the Revolution did not really begin on Nov. 20, although it was supposed to. Once it did, Porfirio Diaz resigned as president after some three decades in office. He was replaced by Francisco Madero, who was later assassinated by Victorian Huerta, who died in prison after he was ousted by Venustiano Carranza, murdered supposedly by Alvaro Obregon, assassinated before he could become president for a second term. After that, re-election was prohibited and things became somewhat more peaceful. Somewhat.

Jimm Budd
Reporting from Mexico City
Member of the Society of American Travel Writers

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